There is no actual order in setting up a flutter project but we have listed steps below to make it easier for you to know what to do before trying to run the app and make it work perfectly:
Change Package/Bundle Id & App name: Change App icon & splash
Change App name, logo and splash screen: Change App icon & splash
Update app api endpoint. This is to change the app api to your own backend url: Connect To Backend
Setup Firebase on the app for notification, authentication etc: Firebase
For firebase auth & other service to work, you need to setup SHA-1 & SHA-256 keys on your firebase console. You can ready the step/guide here: Firebase Phone OTP - Android
For dynamic link for sharing product/vendor link from inside the app, see here: Share link - Firebase dynamic link
Setup google map keys: Google Map
If you use social media login like Google, Apple, Facebook, follow the guide here: Social Media Login