Composer & Node Packages
Composer Install
By default project comes with composer installed, but if for some reasons you uploaded project to your server without the vendor which contains the files from all php packages used in the project development, follow the steps below.
Open terminal on your server
open the root directory of the project on your server.
Then run the command below in the root directory of the project on your server in the terminal
Node Packages
Backend comes with generated app.css and app.js already build, hence node_modules folder is not included in the project files.
You can install the npm packages on your server by simiply running the following command in your terminal.
Open terminal on your server
change directory to the root directory of your backend on your server
Then run the "npm install" to install all needed/missing package for the frontend
Then run "npm run prod" to generate the app.css and app.js file need for the frontend of the admin panel
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