Backend Image not working

Backend Images not showing?

Please check that you have set the APP_URL in the .env to your domain url.

Run the command in your terminal in the backend

php artisan storage:link

Image still not loading

Image still not loading, then run this command

Then run this command

ln -s /DIR_TO_PROJECT_FOLDER/storage/app/public /DIR_TO_PROJECT_FOLDER/public/storage

Replace DIR_TO_PROJECT_FOLDER with path to the project folder on your server

ln -s /DIR_TO_PROJECT_FOLDER/storage/app/public /DIR_TO_PROJECT_FOLDER/public/storage

Replace DIR_TO_PROJECT_FOLDER with path to the project folder on your server

In some case you might have to run the command like below:

In some case you might have to run the command like below:

ln -s /storage/app/public /public/storage


If after running any of the commands above got an error about file exists. Then run the command below first, then run the linking command again

rm -R public/storage

Cloudflare / Ohter DNS / Load balancers

Note: If you are using proxies/external DNS for your domain. For example, if you're behind Cloudflare or some kind of load balancer this also applies.

You might be getting error in the cloud or the upload just continute to load indefinately, this is because the traffic is proxied. You can set the trusted proxy in the TrustProxies middleware as per the Laravel docs.

The simplest way is to trust all proxies if you don't know them.

Find the middlewareTrustProxiesand edit the file. Path: app/Http/Middleware/TrustProxies.php

Modify the line with the $proxies variable as shown below:

protected $proxies = '*';

Livewire asset publishing

If after that the upload is still not working, then you might need to run the command below in your cpanel terminal. Open terminal and change terminal path to the root directory of your backend.

For example, if your backend is in the path as follow: /home/edentech/public_html/admin. Then run the cd /home/edentech/public_html/admin in terminal on your server panel(aapanel/cpanel etc.)

Then run this command to publish livewire assests.

php artisan livewire:publish --assets