Driver app rejected by Google

Background Location

We introduce background location permission in Glover 1.5.0 for the driver app. This will allow driver app to run in background and still receive new order alert even when the app is in background mode.

When trying to submit the app, you will get an error requesting you go to a page and fill in info about why you need the background location permission. Below is an example of what to fill in each input.


App purpose

This is a driver app for our [YOUR APP NAME] Application.
This app is meant to be used by our partner drivers to get order assigned by vendor and get delivered to customers

Location access

In most cases, customer want to be able to track live location of the driver as he/she is on the way to deliver their order to them.

In this case mention above, it is therefore required that location permission both while in use of app or app is in background, that customer is still able to see the change the driver location.

This location access is only used when a driver is online &/ delivering order to customer.

Video instructions

Last updated

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