Change logs

1.7.60 - 2025/01/13

1. Flutter 3.27.1
2. Prevent double address saving by saving user
3. Improve parcel vendors fetch when using address from map
4. Bulk Vendor actions

1.7.51 - 2024/10/10

1. Improve customer search pages
2. Fix home screen scroll issue on some home screen type
3. Improve location fetch data
4. Fix driver online minimized error - android
5. Flutter 3.24.3 support
6. Fix parcel types not loading in some cases
7. Fix vendor & driver file permission issue - android
8. Dynamic vehicle type icon - taxi
9. Improve forgot password reset flow
8. Romanian language
9. Allow schedule order cancellation
10. Fix upload prescription
11. Banner by zone
12. Product feature checkbox
13. Vendor favourite 

1.7.50 - 2024/08/02

1. Include Simple welcome Web app
2. Allow set backend sub-route - e.g /admin or /backend
3. Geolocation boundaries for parcel delivery. Matching address with country/state/city name + checking provided stop geolocation is inside country/state/city boundaries.
4. Taxi tax 
5. Flutter 3.22.1 support
6. Fix Vendor & Driver in-app Report
7. Enforce profile change settings
8. Prevent order status change after failed, cancelled or successful order status
9. Improve order nearby driver search accuracy
10. Fix customer taxi order details/driver rating after order completion
11. vendor subscription through manager wallet
12. share dynamic page on the backend

1.7.45 - 2024/05/22

1. Product timing
2. Product option/option group from same edit/create product modal 
3. Vendor prepare/delivery time with time unit selector [minutes,hours,days, weeks] 
4. Prevent cart total adding to prescription order 
5. Set payment method allowed for pickup order 
6. Vendor slot interval minutes settings 
7. Allow setting custom phone validate rule via regex for unsupported phone country like CI 

1.7.44 - 2024/05/01

1. Fix Product/vendor html description on customer app 
2. Fix Product request issue after ordering 
3. Enable/Disable show vendor phone at backend for customer app 
4. Apps change theme: system, dark or light 
5. Allow vendor register with address details 

1.7.43 - 2024/04/18

1. Fix Backend Address searching
2. Vendor & Driver app Report error in arabic
3. New Vendor Printer settings
4. Fix Permission Request No Response Issue - iOS
5. Fix bugs

1.7.42 - 2024/04/06

1. Fix pharmacy upload prescription
2. Prevent Disable account from ordering or using app
3. Improve Arabic printing on vendor app
4. Referral Reward. Allow reward on regirstration/first order
5. Allow parcel vendor manager, create parcel order from backend
6. Fix vendor open/close auto. Add setting to enable how many hours before auto open/close kicks in
7. Fix role error during account creation
8. Imporve Wysiwyg editor

1.7.41 - 2024/03/13

1. Fix offline transaction image issue.
2. Fix product going to request review when order is cancelled.
3. Enable/Disable product review feature from backend.
4. Fix vendor in app alert view.
5. Remove contact selection feature.
6. Fix no product options show zero customer checkout summary
7. fix vendor new order inapp alert text wrapping
8. Set max/min order amount for payment method to be used
9. Clear browser notification tokens. Also add unique browser uuid, to try and 
prevent browser getting multiple notifications
10. Flutter 3.19.3 support

1.7.40 - 2024/02/16

1. Product approval system.
2. Vendor & Driver In-app earning, sales & payout report.
3. Fix Customer digital product download.
4. All product option creation directly from vendor app - new /edit product.

1.7.31 - 2024/01/16

1. Improve customer location/address caching
2. Improve vendor/product search with provided customer address/location
3. Upgrade Flutter 3.16.7 Support

1.7.30 (fix-4) - 2024/01/12

1. Fix checkout summary issue
2. Change Backend Font
3. Add more insight to dashboard page backend
4. Fix Search fiter Customer app

1.7.30 (fix-3) - 2024/01/06

1. Fix Pharmacy Prescription upload
2. Fix address search issue in backend when using any other geolocation service 
other than google map service.
3. Cache selected address in customer app. To increase speed on next app relaunch
4. Fix product/vendor review list not showing
5. Fix wallet refund extra charges

1.7.30 - 2023/12/12

1. Only fix reported issue
- Fix never ending regular order matching job issue
- Product options - all showing issue
- Fix product subcategory assignment
- Fixed Paypal payment updating
2. Improve ordering data encryption

1.7.21 - 2023/11/12

1. Only fix reported issue
- Regular order placing error
- Customer modern home screen feature vendor scroll issue
- Subcategories fetch only vendors with such subcategories 
2. Improved product - menu - categories/subcateories assignment

1.7.20 - 2023/10/03

1. Only fix reported issue
- Customer app search address 
- Forgot Password (Custom SMS Gateways) Customer, Driver, Vendor 
2. Vendor continuous notification for new order 
3. Zone specific delivery fees 
4. Regular order dispatch via job 
5. Forgot password backend 

1.7.10 - 2023/10/03

1. Service re-ordering like product 
2. Age restriction/info for certain product/service 
3. Max selectable options under an option group. 
4. Taxi order fare breakdown details - Backend/Customer 
5. Delivery related Coupon 
6. Show product tags on product listing view customer app 
7. Product tagging direct from the products page backend 
8. Upgrade to flutter 3.13.6 
9. Show/hide trip/order amount in new order driver alert 
10. Custom CMS Pages 

1.7.02- 2023/09/09

1. Fix Double notification
2. Fix Driver alert popup overflowing text
3. Fix Customer delivery address city name error
4. Fix Some other bugs

1.7.01 - 2023/08/27

1. Dynamic link
2. Vendor create/update product with photos
3. Increase targetSDK to 33
4. Fix backend new order/order details

1.7.00 - 2023/08/15

1. Fix otp verification issue - Vendor & Driver app
2. Fix offline payment option crashing some device
3. Vendor/Driver document requests
4. Vendor/Driver documents preview - backend
5. Fix Customer profile edit - phone number issue
6. PHP 8.2 required for backend

1.6.70 fix 2/3 - 2023/07/12

Fix taxi online payment issue when ordering

1.6.70 fix1 - 2023/07/04

1. Fix customer app plain/modern home screen UI
2. Fix order notification via firebase
3. Chat/actions button on orders page - Backend

1.6.70- 2023/07/04

1. Fix reported bugs
- Driver document selection 
- Driver vehicle image 
- Project selection for Flash sales 
- Try to prevent reported multiple order notifications 
2. Flutter 3.10 support (null safety) 
3. Photo support with chat 
4. Social Media signup, add password to welcome welcome 

1.6.63 - 2023/05/15

1. Fix reported bugs
  - filter vendor by zones for app 
  - improve the driver fetch from firestore without the need for firebase function. 
2. Allow offline file upload through app webview 
3. Auto cancel pending wallet topup after 5mins (you specify your time from backend) 
4. Enable Email/Phone Login or both for apps(customer/driver) 
5. Taxi settings, to show pickup info(address & distance) &/ destination info(address & distance) to driver accepting new order
6. Vendor Type by zone

1.6.62 - 2023/04/05

1. Fix reported bugs
 - Order refund
 - arabic translation search issue
 - vendor product/service description html editor
 - reload app on lanaguage selected
 - order fee crash issue
 - issue from vendor sharing
 - forgot password issue
 - add link click and image on htmlview
 - order prescription
 - fetch parcel vendors
 - parcel coupon issue

1.6.61 - 2023/03/11

1. Customer crash location
2. driver location app crash
3. Driver app click on bubble to reopen app
4. Customer taxi schedule time/date - with arabic language issue
5. Taxi order rating for customer in the order hsitory
6. add fees of vendor to order completed email 
7. fix switch driver type page 
8. Others ....

1.6.6 - 2023/02/28

1. Fix reported bugs
- Stock qty is not enforced in case of multiple product selection
- eCommerce products list in order details
- only Cash Payment order can allow edit order products
- new auto-assignment flow working for taxi not working for regular 
2. Switch between taxi and regular driver
3. Taxi handle outstanding balance if trip amount is more than initial charge trip amount [Online payments only]
  [ Set the rem amount to negative user wallet, then prevent new ordering in future until negative is cleared ]
4. few support model translation 
5. Support Flutter 3.7.3

1.6.5 - 2023/01/19

1. Fix reported bugs
- backend user edit 
- search page with missing tabs 
- order payment excluding the delivery fee if delivery fee in cash is enabled 
- taxi schedule date/time issue after selection 
2. New Customer Home Screen UI
3. Finance setting: driver wallet required for order total/delivery fee commission only

1.6.4 - 2022/12/21

1. Fix reported bugs
- driver distance to pickup 
- fix coupon taxi vendor type issue 
- chat dark mode issue 
- vendor type description now nullable/empty
2. Customer Home Screen tiny UI update 
3. enable/disable taxi trip fare recalculation
4. Faqs 
5. featured vendors on home screen 
6. differrent customer Home screen UI style

1.6.3 - 2022/12/2

Fix reported bugs
  - Vendor app Numeric formatting check
  - fix coupon vendor type issue
  - services report issue
  - app notification issue
Loyalty point

1.6.2 - 2022/11/18

Fix reported bugs
  - Fix service require subcategory 
  - Update vendor app to allow create service just like the backend
  - fix driver/vendor signup flickering screen
  - improve driver location updating
  - Flash sales
  - fix driver and vendor app re-showing language selector
Move wallet balance management to Wallet transaction page 

1.6.1 - 2022/10/31

1. Fix reported bugs
- Fix service require subcategory 
- Update vendor app to allow create service just like the backend 
- fix driver/vendor signup flickering screen 
- improve driver location updating 
- Flash sales
- fix driver and vendor app re-showing language selector [From Patch]
2. Move wallet balance management to Wallet transaction page 

1.6.1 - 2022/10/31

1. Fix reported bugs
- iOS Driver notification 
- Admin commission 
- vendor app product update 
- order fees order details in vendor app 
- update wallet balance and record as wallet transaction after driver earning remove from wallet 
- driver need to go offline and back online before getting new order 
2. Manager manage multiple vendors [With have to switch between, can only deal with one vendor at a time] [Backend only]
3. Button to toggle "out of stock" by each product 
4. Webhook for payment gateways 
5. coupon strict to vendor type or all 
6. Flutter 3.3.6 Support

1.6.0_fix_3 - 2022/09/20

1. Fix multiple vendor fees in order placement
2. fix openning link in external browser 
3. Increase the image compression quality for vendor app when uploading service/product image
4. Fix search features for services

1.6.0 - 2022/08/31

1. Fix reported bugs
- Customer Map in the "pick on map" option 
- Keyboard covering input in live chat/support view 

2. Order proof like signature or photo added to customer order details 
3. Onboarding data from the backend 
4. Vendor fees(e.g packing fee) 
5. Admin view order chats 
6. Digital products [Sell items that can just be downloaded. Like pdf books etc] 
7. recalculate taxi trip fare, when ending the trip 
8. Taxi booking code [Client provide code before driver start/end trip] 
9. Proof of delivery signature/photo on order details page 
10. Print order on backend 
11. Enforce Cash Delivery Payment(For drivers) 

1.5.9 - 2022/08/01

Fix reported bugs
  - Search view in customer app
  - Coupon record for all type of order
Driver UI update 
Migrate to flutter 3 
Disable/enable if service requires location or not 
Open backend from vendor app 

1.5.8 - 2022/06/26

Fix reported bugs
- Fix vendor driver getting other vendor orders 
- Sort products by vendor location 
- Change notification sound 
- ios notification sound 
- refund product qty on order failed or cancelled 
- Show contact permission info before requesting for contact permission 
Flash sales sections 
Parcel delivery, move address before vendor selection 
Account deleting Menu on apps 
Improve permissions for route on backend 
Allow social login to auto create account if account does not exist before 

1.5.7 - 2022/06/3

Tiny UI update 
Disable wallet on home screen
Disable wallet feature from customer app
Product review after order [E-commerce] 
Change geocoding and place search to other platform like Opencage, Radar, locationiq [Map view still remains google map]
Product and vendor link sharing 

1.5.6 - 2022/05/19

Fix reported bugs
- E-commerce product details page 
- Prescription wallet payment issue 
- COD service/booking vendor earning issue 
- Service/booking auto-assignment issue 
- Wallet payment showing cash collection to driver 
- Vendor and product arrange issue [Patched] 
Veg/Non-Veg product tags [You can create/delete/edit tags & assign to products] 
Detailed Sales Report 
App Update Dialog 
In app support 

1.5.5-fix-1 - 2022/05/05

Fix Ecommerce product details page
Multiple vendor order delivery address fix
Fix driver getting old order notification
Fix default delivery address
Added menu_ids,category_ids, sub_categories_ids,options_ids to product export and import
Add tax_rate for orders, to prevent tax miscalculation on vendor/customer/driver apps
Fix view vendor reviews
Fix vendor reviews count

1.5.5 - 2022/05/03

Fix reported bugs
    - Enable/disable wallet transfer
    - Banner on service section
Backend language selection depending on who is logged in
Order status translation 
Toggle hide/show vendor phone 
Allow Multiple vendor order at once[Enable/disable from backend] 
Auto/Manual Refund 
Tiny E-commerce page UI changes 
Fix url link not opening in 1.5.4 

1.5.4 - 2022/04/16

Fix reported bug
 - Unknown column: delivery_range 
 - multiple payout fraud(you can requst multiple time but you can approve only if earning can cover the requested amount) 
 - Validation error message in arabic for payout [Driver&Vendor]
Admin setting if user is required to enter full email/phone for wallet transfer or partial keyword for search 
Scan user qrcode for wallet transfer 
Admin set status for which order can still be cancelled 
Email for new vendor, updated/enabled/disabled vendor action 
Order earning for cash pickup vendor 
PinchZoom Images 
Enable/disable Loading data by location 
Payment accounts mangt. on vendor on driver app 
BETA - New taxi driver matching system using your web server from the matching (Can be enabled/disable) 
Fix pending payment status when using wallet. This should also solve the refund wallet balance issue 

1.5.3 - 2022/03/26

Restructure app translation. Will Use single json file for each language just like the backend
 - Customer 
Fix reported bugs
 - Taxi order not working 
 - Vendor subscription page 
 - Missing menus of the backend 
All menu now has permission 
Wallet transfer(between customers) 

1.5.2 - 2022/03/20

Fix reported bugs
 - Service/product discount percentage calculation 
 - Backend settings require page refresh for new settings 
 - Service booking location restriction 
 - Backend notification with product/service/vendor 
 - iOS notification in killed state 
 - Double driver new order alert 
Login via QR Code [Driver/Vendor] 
Taxi zone 
Improve app loading for firebase related task[You can enable/disable the Background job feature] 
Role and permission management in backend 
Vendor request payout from vendor app 

1.5.1 - 2022/03/10

Courier POD for every stop (for multi-stop booking)
Restructure app translation. Will Use single json file for each language just like the backend
 - Customer
Fix reported bugs
  - Double new order alert to driver 
  - Order cancellation with few seconds 
  - Wallet balance check for driver assignment 
Taxi fleet management 
Add crashlytics
Admin one-click to Login as vendor manager (first assigned manager)
Login via QR Code [Customer App]

1.5.0 - 2022/02/20

UI update
Parcel delivery set who is paying for order (Sender/receiver)
Restructure app translation. Will Use single json file for each language just like the backend
 - Vendor 
 - Driver 
Fix reported bugs
 - Customer search
 - Search error on food vendor type
 - New product by vendor manager
 - Currency formatting
 - Negative driver tip
Advance referral system. Amount will only be added to wallet when the referred customer completes an order
Admin commission report
Referral details bottomsheet for customer app
Coupon with minimum order amount required
Coupon with max discount amount
schedule taxi order

1.4.8-fix-1 - 2022/02/20

Fix search bugs for customer app
Fix single mode view 
Add "view all products" button for single vendor mode
Fix "New" buttons for some backend pages
iOS driver app with location update in background mode

1.4.8 - 2022/02/15

- UI update
- Currency formatting and position
    - Backend
    - Customer
    - Driver
    - Vendor
- Troubleshot Auto-assignment on backend
- Re-order data Menu, Options, Option Groups, banners, category, subcategories
- Export data from backend
- Vendor delivery time
- Vendor prepare time
- E-commerce [Infancy stage]
- Show/hide banner on home screen
- Show dialog to driver when completion COD order, to collect order amount from customer

1.4.7 - 2022/01/15

- Driver app updates location in background mode
- Driver receive new order alert in all mode, except when app is killed.
- Fix double driver/customer taxi trip rating
- Fix double new order alert on driver app
- Update taxi order details on driver app after customer cancels trip
- Backend page settings [Privacy, Terms & Contact] write to file, to allow html tags and any length of content
- Fix constant driver location error dialog
- Manager/City admin can perform payouts and driver remittances or their vendors &/ drivers
- Setting for each vendor to allow them create their own delivery boys or not, instead of a general setting for all vendors
- Taxi order details in Driver app in dark mode
- Vendor & Driver earning

1.4.6 - 2022/01/15

Fix discount percentage 
Custom Notification sound for new order [Vendor app only] 
Driver location update in background 
Fix parcel summary amount calculation 
Service duration type [hour,day.month,year] 
Cash payment will show pending until driver completes order 
Upgrade to flutter 2.8.1
Multiple delivery zone for vendor 
Show image only on vendor type. Settings in mobile app in backend 
Category color
Set width, height for category images 
set category name text size 

1.4.5 - 2021/12/31

Fix reported bugs 
Fix vendor commission issue 
Fix wallet top-up minimum error 
Deleting review [Only by admin] 
Background notification bug 
Fix taxi driver swipe for trip bugs 
Proof of delivery - Photo 
Auto refresh order list base on order status notification [Customer, Vendor & Driver app] 
Flutter 2.8.0 support [Customer, Vendor, Driver]

1.4.4-fix-1 - 2021/12/23

Fix mobile app settings error in backend
Reduce css and js bundle size
Set banner height from backend
Fix New order backend delivery fee
Fix Service booking address
Fix schedule order timing

1.4.4 - 2021/12/21

Facebook login permissions 
Update Vendor details page 
Background notification [Driver & Customer App]
Online/Offline button colors [Driver App]
New Font for Backend and Customer App
Fix prescription payment flow
Deleting review [Only by admin]
Order assignment to prevent normal order to taxi driver
Finance settings separeted
Fix other known bugs

1.4.3 - 2021/12/02

 Social Login [Google, Facebook & Apple]
Taxi booking [Currency base on country of request] 
Driver location update setting from backend 
Background service to try and keep driver app working in background state
Fix wallet transactions

1.4.2 - 2021/11/16

App UI updates (minor)
Notification with attached to vendor/product/service 
Fix sms gateways issue 
OTP Login [Customer app] 
Delivery zone for vendors 
Update product qty after order failed/cancelled 
Fix service booking 
Fix Package pricing error 
Search on vendor page 
update prescription upload request feature(payment method not selectable until vendor request payment after adding products to the order) 

1.4.1 - 2021/11/02

App UI updates (minor) 
Vendor & Driver payout account information 
Vendor subscription [number of products] 
Notification with Image 
Fix taxi order details while on trip 
Order verification code 

1.4.0 - 2021/10/21

Improved Taxi booking system
Order nearby vendors by closet to customer
Enable/disable upload prescription from the backend

1.3.9 - 2021/10/15

Taxi Booking
Basic App UI updates
Service Order details on backend
kyc for driver and vendor (you can even set the instructions for which documents for driver/vendor to submit)
General driver and vendor commission setting on mobile app settings page (so you don't have to set commission for each vendor/driver)
Fix wallet topup issue in driver app 
Notification of driver from vendor app is not working
Allow admin to change the notification message for order base on status

1.3.8 - 2021/09/27

Services vendor type redesign 
Banner link to [External url, vendor & category] 
Fix resending notification to drivers even when accept but while in ready status 
Edit order from backend (Good for prescription type of order) 
Add coupon/discount to parcel checkout 
Driver manual assignment notification issue(from vendor app) 
Only admin can collect driver remittances 
Vendor reviews page fr users to see 
Vendor subscription indicator on vendor app 

1.3.7 - 2021/09/12

Vendor subscription 
Double notification 
Notification Details 
Delete Driver node(when offline) 
Driver goes offline on logout(Can be enabled/disabled) 
Notification issue for CASH payment

1.3.5 - 2021/09/04

Fixed Order Auto-assignment
Auto-refresh orders and auto-assignment pages on backend
Fix coupon bugs
Export & filter for orders and coupon report pages

1.3.4 - 2021 - 08- 26

2. Full system user guide (Text & vides) (Adding more by request)
3. SMS Gateway for OTP (Twilio/MSG91/GatewayApi)

1.3.3 - 2021-08-12

Online/Offline (Vendor app) 
Fix search 
Change cart system 
Fix coupon 
Fix bugs (prescription upload) 
Coupon times(number of time a coupon can be used) & report 
Product plus option (this is to all option price added to product or calculate only option price - useful for variants kind of selection) 
Product Option group required (this is to ensure that customer select at least one option in the option group) 
Prevent driver from accepting a cancelled order 
Auto cancel pending order(mins can be set by admin) 
Fix call recipient bug 
Fix double order alert a a time 
Loop new ready orders until driver "Accept"/"Reject" order. (Loop every 'alert duration') 
Fix products not loading all on vendor page 

1.3.2 - 2021-07-29

max/min order by vendor 
Migrate to latest flutter version (2.2.3)
Prevent order after closing hour 
Multiple product images 
Payment crashes on iOS 
Google map api for distance calculation
Fix auto-assignment issue 
Driver remittance 
Same day schedule delivery 

1.2.2 - 2021-05-31

  1. Enable country/state/city wide delivery

  2. Subcategories

  3. Home pull to refresh

  4. Clear firebase after order has been assigned

  5. Show payment option to driver

  6. Driver rating

  7. Disable/enable chat

  8. City admin

  9. Point to point(multiple-stop parcel delivery)

  10. Profile picture bug

  11. Forget password (backend)

  12. Display parcel type to driver

  13. Display payment option to driver

  14. Display distance between pickup & dropoff location to driver

  15. Auto refresh after placing order

  16. Update product via excel sheet

  17. delete option for products not found

  18. deactivated products still appear under menus

  19. Enable/disable schedule order

  20. Show earning of vendor drivers

  21. Allow vendor to manage their delivery boy earning/payout

  22. Change password

  23. Nearby vendors

1.0.2 - 2021-03-31


  1. Updated earning

  2. Added firebase web notification for vendor mangers

Customer App

  1. Fix bugs

Delivery Boy App

  1. Initial release

1.0.1 - 2021-03-27


  1. Mass data import via excel spreadsheet

  2. Vendor connected to categories

  3. Menus

  4. Product connected to menus

Customer App

  1. Nearby vendors

  2. Change location to search for vendors

  3. Vendor details group products by menu

  4. Prevent ordering Non-deliverable product for delivery instead of pickup

1.0.0 - 2021-03-23

Initial release

Last updated

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