Change logs

2.6.00 - 06/06/2024

1. Fix Meeting joining
2. Flutter 3.22.1 support
3. AI Platform selector. You can either use OpenAI or Google Gemini for Chatbox & Image generator.
4. Remove AI API Keys from app for security reason. All AI calls goes through the backend now

2.5.10 - 07/03/2024

1. Fix mobile app build error
2. Change some images in asset

2.5.01 - 09/02/2024

1. Fix Phone number entry issue
2. Add phone number country selector for phone input
3. Change font and load font locally

2.5.00 - 02/01/2024

1. Conference call moderator/regular participant
2. Flutter upgrade: Flutter 3.13.6
3. Backend Laravel Upgrade to Laravel 10
4. PHP 8.1+ required to run the new backend version

2.4.10 - 08/08/2023

Mobile App
- OPENAI Api key via .env file
- Redesign ai image generator view

- Remove openai api key entry

Other Versions

v2.4.0 - 08/06/2023
Mobile App
 - Support Null safety 
 - Flutter 3.10.3 support
 - AI Page for Chatbot/Image Generation
 - Change font
 - Add AI settings page
V2.3.0   |   13-06-2022
    Mobile App
      Updated translation system
      Support flutter 3.0.2

      Fix bugs
V2.0.0   |   27-03-2021
    Mobile App
      New languages (Arabic & Korean)
      Allow account deletion
      Migrated to support flutter v2

      Change theme color from settings page
V1.0.5   |   18-02-2021
    Register with phone number from web
    Show dashboard link on home page if authenticated
    Fix bugs
V1.0.4   |   15-02-2021
    Create & Join meeting from web
    Fixed Firebase Android build bug
    Fix bugs
V1.0.3   |   08-02-2021
    Web Forgot Password via Firebase Phone Auth
V1.0.2   |   02-02-2021
    Forgot Password via Firebase Phone Auth
    Admin panel system updater and Terminal
V1.0.0   |   04-01-2021
    Initial Release

Last updated